Monday, March 2, 2015

Who cares what they think!

I wonder how many of us are held back in our walk with the Lord by what we think others will think of us. There's a song by the Newsboys that speaks to this called, "Jesus Freak."  Will people think I'm some Jesus freak?  What is a 'Jesus freak' anyway?  Someone who's gone off the deep end for Jesus?  -Sounds like someone with firm convictions to me.

For others of us, we're concerned that we'll be viewed as a teetotaler or goody two shoes for following Jesus.  Who cares!  The truth is that having Jesus in your life is the fullest, most abundant life possible.  It is far from the perception of being hokey or lame.

You see, once we overcome this thing called "perception" we are on our way to true freedom.  Who really cares what people think!  People's perceptions are not reality.  There's a big difference.

Let's stop letting a perception (mine, yours, or someone else's) stand in the way of our devotion to Jesus Christ - the Author of truth.
