Monday, June 13, 2011

In the Light

On my way to work I go through downtown Dallas and pass by the location JFK was assassinated in 1963. Each day there are groups of people taking pictures of the "grassy knoll" and book depository. I understand the historical significance and the interest in documenting a visit like this with photos, but it bothers me to see people posing in these picture. What's more, an "X" on the road marks the motorcade location where the fatal bullet struck the President. People stand right on this spot posing for pictures. It seems pretty disrespectful to me. These people don't see it that way though. They see it as a tourist destination with a photo op for their Facebook.

This got me thinking, I wonder how many times I fail to see something for what it really is. Are there times in my life when I'm partaking in something trendy and seemingly innocent when God disapproves? I believe there's a name for that: sin. (I'm not saying the people in the above situation are sinning, although it's possible. I'm saying they are blind to the reality of the situation).

Sin works like that. It blinds us to reality. The only solution I know of is to humbly ask God to reveal more of His perspective in our lives. Specifically, we need to ask Him to shine His light on any sin we are unaware of and confess it back to Him. Of course it's hard to walk in the light continuously. The light reveals our faults and imperfections. Sometimes we'd rather keep those blemishes to ourselves and remain hidden in the dark. But that's not living life to the full. The absolute best part of being in the light is that it's completely liberating. There's nothing to hide. Yes, it's hard and humiliating, but once sin is in the light it's not ours to bare any longer. If we walk in the light, as God is in the light, we are cleansed from all sin by the blood of Jesus (1 John 1:7).



  1. Excellent post. You really know how to preach.You sounded like my Dad there at the end. :) That is a good thing, I've never heard anyone come close to his preaching.Possibly Adrian Rogers.
