Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Increasing Entropy

Everything ends up in a landfill. There is science (and theology) to prove it. Entropy is the natural law in science that leads to deterioration. It is a measurement of disorder or randomness of a system. Nature has the tendency for everything to increase in entropy. You, me, even that new iPhone you bought :) Buh-bye.

Working in the TV biz I'm always amazed at how much work and money goes into the news set. It's all about aesthetics, of course, or people won't watch, duh. But even these fancy, dazzling sets eventually end up in the dumpster. In fact, roaming the halls of the stations I've worked I often come across remnants of old sets from the '70s, '80s, and '90s. At the time they were all state of the art and cutting edge. Now they make for some good laughs...and good paper weights.

I can't help but think of Ecclesiastes. You know, "everything turn, turn, turn." Soloman is the author of Ecclesiastes and is very wise. When he speaks people listen. He speaks from experience telling us that every luxury under the sun is meaningless. He even considers knowledge meaningless. Ultimately he reaches the conclusion in chapter 12 that life is a huge waste of time without God. So true. All the trinkets I buy are soon going to occupy a landfill. The money I save will one day be worthless. My relationships and my body will gradually fade away. The only thing that I have today that will last into eternity is my salvation through Jesus Christ. This assurance is the only thing that brings peace in a chaotic world of increasing entropy.

As Christians we need to embrace the law of entropy. The Bible tells us the world is passing away. (This doesn't mean we shouldn't take care of it. Quite the contrary! It means we recognize our time on earth is limited and we appreciate this precious gift - even considering the problem of above landfill). Thankfully entropy is a physical law not a spiritual law. Spending eternity with God (in all His glory) is not subject to the law of entropy. Hallelujah! In heaven there is no deterioration, only regeneration!


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