Monday, August 2, 2010

How Are You?

Hey there. How are you?


Did you say "Good?" That's probably the number one response, don't ya think? (Actually correct grammar is "I am well" :) "Fine" is a close second. Well, I think it's a load of garbage. Most of the time we are not "good, fine, or well." Most of the time we are tired, hungry, bored, hurting, lonely, or just plain grumpy inside. So why do we lie? I have two ideas.

First off, we reply with a superficial "good" or "fine" because these empty replies promptly satisfy the question asked. "You're good? Well that's great! On with my life, Skip to my Lou." We put up a wall with these curt replies so as not to let people into the places in our heart that really hurt. The downside to that, of course, is that we don't experience healing.

Second, I believe we respond with "good" or "fine" (when we're not) is because we're trying to impress. We want the other person to think we have it all together. Well, it's gotta stop. As Christians we have to be the torch bearers for transparency. If we're having a crummy day we can't keep pretending nothing is wrong. Think about it. Satan wants us to be a bunch of fakers. Not God though. Christ lives within us so that we can be authentic - ALIVE.

So, let me be the first to say that I'm not "fine." The reason I haven't blogged in awhile is because I just haven't felt like it. Truth is I've been in one of those funks where my spiritual life is bland. Maybe you can relate. -Prayers are lacking, little desire to read the Bible, and serving is drudgery. I totally trust God to carry me through this dry season. He always does. He allows seasons of difficulty and suffering to test us and to build our character (Romans 5:3-5). Perseverance is key! God is faithful and will not leave us nor will He abandon the good work He started within us (Philippians 1:6). In the meantime there's no need to fake it. The old adage is life is difficult sometimes. Why should I think mine is any different? I'm not going to pretend I'm entirely smelling the roses when I'm getting stuck with some thorns. :)

So, how are you really doing?



  1. So true...I have to be honest though...depending on who is asking "How Are You" determines my response. Is it a spouse? Well he surely will get the honest answer. Is it a friend? He/She will probably get an honest answer too. What about the person that we may or may not know as well...those are the people I think we really "pretend" with. And those are the same people that probably need to hear from the "real me". Is it an opportunity that we let pass?

    Well I am great. I feel good and have finished my 16 weeks of chemo. I am on my way to the next part of my journey. Since I have been sick, I have learned to lean on many and to be honest when that question is asked. None of course that could not be possible without God in my life. I pray for the may who have to endure this journey without must be very lonely.

    Happy Tuesday my friend...Love, Angela Lilley

  2. Hi,
    My name is Sarah Decker. I used to watch you on KFOR. I really appreciate your post. Thank you for being so transparent and truthful. I too seem to be in a dry time and it is so frustrating! I really like the Phil.1:6 verse you mentioned. It is such a great reminder that it is NOT us but God who is at work IN us! It is such a humbling truth. Like you said God is always faithful and carries us through times like these. All we have to do is trust and know that He is God, and continue to run this race with endurance (1 Cor. 9:24). Thank you again for this post. As funny as this may sound, it was truly encouraging to read it! Thank you for being truthful. I do hope that you have a wonderful day in the Lord today. Keep on keeping on! God Bless. Acts. 20:24.

  3. Good post! I usually say I am doing fine so you don't have to hear my long list of what's really not good. I have been through times like what you are going through.It does get better. When you become a christian you on fire for God well sometimes you just have to add things to that fire to make it big again.Let me just say that reading the bible is one of them. My kids can tell when I haven't read in the morning or haven't had my time w/the Lord.I am just a huge grouch.

    Try to start your day w/the Lord and pray about what He can do to make that fire big again.Ask the Holy Spirit to come into your life today and see what happens. Be warned though if you truly ask the Holy Spirit to come into you know that things will happen and some of those things you may not want to do but it will be so worth it in the end! You will be on fire again in no time!

    Many Blessings,
    Nicole P.

  4. Dear Grant,
    Your post is very good. However from my experience people usually say ok, fine, or good automatically. Simply because they feel the person asking, is not truly interested, in how they, are truly doing. I know firsthand of people who plaster on a grin and say “Hallelujah I'm great how are you sister!” Then there are those, who, when you ask them seem to ramble on about all that’s gone wrong in their life, they are being honest however they exhaust out there listener quickly and the person remembers not to ask again. I believe there is a balance in all you do. However we must ask ourselves when we respond to the question, if this individual wants has the time or energy for an honest answer. Also as the listener we should check ourselves, to be sure we are really interested in this individual and how they are doing. If the listener shows genuine interest you can be sure they’ll get an honest response.
    God bless you,
    ~Catherine Burk~
