Monday, August 9, 2010

Gathered Your Manna Today?

Have you gathered your fill of manna today? Whatever you do don't store it up for tomorrow.

You may recall manna was the miraculous food God provided the Israelites each morning on their journey through the desert. It was a thin bread-like wafer with honey that appeared early in the morning coating the ground (like dew). Each day there was plenty for everyone to eat. Here's the catch. It could not be stored for the next day. God warned the Israelites against doing this. So what did they do? They stored it up. Every time they did this, without fail, it became unsuitable to eat - a big spoiled mess. So what's the big deal? Why couldn't they store it? The answer is because it showed they were not trusting God to provide for them daily. They were afraid there wouldn't be any manna maƱana. :)

So how does this apply to our lives? Manna for us today is not physical food. It's spiritual food. We get our daily provision by feeding on the Word of God. Just like the Israelites we need to gather it in the morning. We do this by spending time alone reading the Bible. The manna is that special word God has for you and me. Just like the Israelites God wants to provide for us daily. We are not suppose to store up today's manna for tomorrow. Tomorrow we get a fresh supply! I think many of us fall into this trap by only reading the Bible once in awhile. We think yesterday's reading will get us through the rest of the week. Friends, yesterday's supply is rotten! Quite simply we may forget what God said to us yesterday. Certainly it's great to reflect on what we're learning (through journaling) but we must understand that God wants to feed us spiritually every day. We don't eat physical food only once or twice a week so why is our spiritual food any less important?



  1. What a great example God has given us in His Word! Thank you for sharing. God Bless. Col.3:23.

  2. I am preparing a children's lesson about God sending manna to the Israelites in the desertand came across you website. I REALLY appreciate your words here. They have really spoken to me today! Thanks.

  3. Dear Grant,
    Great message as usual! Your analogy is very good. I really enjoy reading your blog because you write so enthusiastically. I enjoy knowing that there are still people who are eager to know the truth and share it. I'm wondering if you could answer a couple questions. You see, some of my family, is wondering if you composed the music, for channel four? I know that’s really random. However my mom met you once and remembered you said you enjoyed composing music. Another question and you don’t have to answer either one of these if you haven't the time, but do you know what you will be doing with your life once you finish seminary? Thanks for taking the time to read this; I hope the Lord continues to bless you and your family!
    ~Catherine Burk~

  4. Hi Catherine,
    I wish I had composed the music for channel four :) Nope, not me. I do enjoy composing though. It's my creative outlet.

    As for your second question, I have no idea where the Lord will lead me. It's a long way off. Learning the Word and gaining confidence is first.

    Thanks for the comment,


  5. Dear Grant.
    Thank you for responding. The last time I heard you speak, I thought you sounded, like you could be a good pastor, its just an idea.I'm sure God has a special plan in mind for your future. Creative outlets are always fun, I have lots of my own so I understand:) So besides music, and weather, what do you enjoy?
    I'll be praying for you, that the Lord gives you wisdom,strength,and peace.
    God bless,
    ~Catherine Burk~
